Regional Transportation Planning
Regional Transportation Planning includes the maintenance, extension and expansion of transportation networks and facilities. Such tasks require detailed information about the existing passenger and freight transport services and their future perspective development. Among the most important means to obtain this type of information are traffic analyses via censuses, interviews conducted in moving and stationary traffic as well as household surveys. Based on the data gathered, overall concepts and proposals for action are developed and tested with regard to their efficiency by means of macroscopic simulations.
We assist our clients through all the phases of a project from status quo analysis, to scenario formulation, to the decision making and actual implementation and realization.
Other Services
- Assessment and development of action plans
- Consulting and advice on project execution
- Development of project implementation and phasing plans
- Concepts for non-motorized traffic (recreational cycling routes)
- Measurement of traffic flow parameters
- Travel time measurements for motorized individual transportation and public transportation.
- Assessment of cost-effectiveness of different traffic systems or alternative routes
- Traffic analyses and forecasts
- Development of overall concepts for transportation policy
- Traffic demand and traffic distribution models
- Preliminary studies, feasibility studies