Locating a Second Danube Bridge for Neuburg an der Donau
- Owner City of Neuburg an der Donau
- Project period 06/2012 - 11/2012
In the area of Neuburg an der Donau there exists, for motorized traffic, only one possibility to cross the Danube. The centrally located Elisenbrücke (Elise Bridge) connects along the western tip of the Leopoldineninsel (Leopoldinen Island) neighborhoods south of the Danube with those in the north of the city. The already strained traffic conditions are forecast to worsen in the coming years as the city grows with new neighborhoods and industrial areas producing increased motorized traffic. The city is looking to build a new Danube crossing to ease the pressure on the existing bridge and reduce the through traffic in the city center. Therefore, based on updated traffic surveys, three already examined alternatives for crossing the Danube and four new ones should be re-evaluated in terms of their effect on the city wide traffic situation.
To determine the origin-destination relations and the traffic volumes at main junctions, large-scale traffic counts and roadside interviews were conducted in the metropolitan area. The results were incorporated, along with the structural changes in the road network as well as the urban settlement changes, in a digital transport model. The alternatives of a new possible Danube crossing were incorporated into the traffic model and their impacts identified and evaluated. The resulting outputs allowed the city to compare between the alternative in terms of traffic impact and identify the best alternative in terms of a combination of criteria.
Other Services
- Travel demand forecast
- Scenario development and evaluation
- Impact studies